All Posts By Chris Marttila

Showing 1 - 20 of 136 Results (0.4894 )
  • 1. This Week in SCOHA Tournament News
    Credit where credit is due, folks. Terry Gudgeon, despite feeling like he got ran over by the Lakeshore West GoTrain, managed to keep the tournament running very smoothly. We always appreciate your hard work and dedication to this league, especially this weekend! To everyone who helped out, the teams that ...
  • 2. This Week in SCOHA - April 16th, 2024
    Seems like we only just started the damn season and just like that, teams are already planning for the draft. Stick taps to United Flyers and Masters Kings for their cup wins. Let's recap.... United Division: Championship Game: Flyers 8 Bruins 6: This game had more ups and downs than ...
  • 3. This Week in SCOHA - March 26th, 2024
    Hey gang, we are seeing the playoff intensity ramp up which was evident by the penalties column on the game sheets. That said, let’s peel back the onion and go over the games from this past weekend. United Division: Bruins 4 Flyers 3: This game was anyone’s to win. Justin ...
  • 4. This Week in SCOHA - March 19th, 2024
    More upsets this past week, folks. Not the kind of upset like when you get back from an all-inclusive resort with free wifi but Bell still charges you $16 a day kind of upset. United Division: Oilers 5 Flyers 2: Nick Castelli & Friends invaded Philadelphia and blasted the Flyers ...
  • 5. This Week in SCOHA - March 14th, 2024
    Well that was quite a bunch of games on the docket this past weekend! More upsets than I can imagine since I joined the league back in 78. First off, we are opening up team sponsorship starting next season. To get full details, email either Chris Barratto or Terry Gudgeon. ...
  • 6. This Week in SCOHA - March 6th, 2024
    Masters Division playoffs are underway while United wrapped up their regular season. Leafs are losing to the hated Bruins again on my tv set so this guy is a bit miserable this evening. United Division: Oilers 7 Flyers 4: Flyers were missing Ryan Haslam but the Oilers played lights-out hockey ...
  • 7. This Week in SCOHA - March 2nd, 2024
    Back at it with a recap of last week's action. Masters regular season has wrapped up like a double cheese meatball sub, no onions. United still has this week to decide seedings. Right down to the damn wire! Before we go further, our SCOHA family want to offer our sincere ...
  • 8. This Week in SCOHA - February 21st, 2024
    What a wild weekend of SCOHA action as it was the first, and hopefully not an annual glass shattering game between the United Oilers and Bruins that had everyone in the damn city talking. Then there’s Joe LoCicero stopping Mike VanDerzee on a penalty shot to help preserve the victory ...
  • 9. This Week in SCOHA - February 15th, 2024
    Ok, from now on, whenever CHCH News predicts a big snowfall, just divide their accumulation by 2. Anyways, an abbreviated schedule last weekend due to the superbowl so let's get right to it. United Division: Flyers 9 Sharks 4: Flyers Mike Rostecki had a napa cashew chicken salad before the ...
  • 10. This Week in SCOHA - February 8th, 2024
    Well the big game is this weekend and I'm not talking about the Masters Stars and Bruins matchup on Saturday night. Half of us will eat too many spicy wings, go to bed, then wake up at 3am with acid reflux and a burning throat for an hour. Ok maybe ...
  • 11. This Week in SCOHA - January 31st, 2024
    As all Scoha players get ready for dry February, last weekend's action was about as fast-paced as any fan could ask for. United Division: Bruins 6 Blackhawks 5. This was quite the game, folks. Too bad you missed it. Justin Mol scored the game winner with a buck 43 left ...
  • 12. This Week in SCOHA - January 25th, 2024
    Hey folks, writing this from a balmy -3 morning in Winnipeg where my Leafs getaway weekend is in full swing. Let's quit the small talk and get right to the action, though.U nited Division: Oilers 7 Flyers 6. An old-fashioned 1985-style game as both teams lit er up for the ...
  • 13. This Week in SCOHA - January 19th, 2024
    Better late than never, family obligations, but we are still gonna recap last weekend’s SCOHA action whether you like it or not. United Division: Bruins 7 Flyers 3: Friday night was the storm of the century outside and Flyers goalie called in close to puck drop. Oiler defenceman Blaine Betzold ...
  • 14. This Week in SCOHA - January 9th, 2024
    It's about time, folks. The unofficial 2nd half is underway and fans showed up in droves to see their SCOHA heroes in action. A bit of rust on the ol' twirlers, not gonna lie, but give it a few weeks, we will all be at full speed again. So 4 ...
  • 15. This Week in SCOHA – Dec 21st, 2023
    I’m writing this right after the Leafs got thumped 9-3 so get ready. Interesting news coming out this past weekend as Guy Shaver set up a SCOHA Christmas Kettle in front of the orphanage and sang The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow all day to raise money. Guy’s fees are ...
  • 16. This Week in SCOHA – Dec 13th, 2023
    We lets kick things off by wishing Dale Brons best of luck as he enters the Great Christmas Light Championship. Feel bad when his neighbour realized their hydro bill is sky-high from Dale plugging into their backyard outlet… United Division: Oilers 9 Sharks 5: Oilers won! A few key acquisitions ...
  • 17. This Week in SCOHA – November 29th, 2023
    Some light-hearted reading for a freezing-cold Wednesday night.All these ai-generated insights to everything in the world might very well take over my job as league blogologist one day but until then, you are stuck with this guy’s tales from the weeks that were. Master’s Bruins Dale Brons sat in the ...
  • 18. This Week in SCOHA – November 21st, 2023
    There were only 5 games this past weekend due to the Grey Cup. Others got to rest some bumps and bruises which isn’t a bad thing. Special thanks to the face of Swedish men’s hockey, Terry Hughes who joined us on the podcast last week to talk about the good ...
  • 19. This Week in SCOHA – November 14th, 2023
    So let’s get right to the rumour swirling that SCOHA will play a few games in Japan next year as part of a Global Series to get more fans to follow SCOHA but league commissioner Terry Gudgeon quickly squashed those silly thoughts. “Not likely… ever.” Guess that’s why they call ...
  • 20. This Week in SCOHA – November 9th, 2023
    Another week in the books, folks. Some teams are already in playoff mode while others are struggling like the time a bottle of Italian salad dressing opened up in my laptop bag back in '89. United Flyers are just 1 point up on the Hawks as the two teams meet ...