Duties of a Team Rep:

  • Be familiar with the SCOHA League Rules (link is on the Website)
  • Attend at least one player evaluation (rating) meeting.
  • Attend draft meeting & pick up sweaters and socks.
  • Contact your team's player and notify them of any suspension levied by the league.
  • Assist in collecting any money owed by your team players and pass it on to your division V.P. or Exec. Member.
  • Make sure game sheets are filled out correctly.
  • Contact appropriate executive when you need a replacement goalie.
  • Inform your team of any information given to you by the Exec.
  • Have another player take charge if  you, as the team rep, cannot attend a game
  • Collect all sweaters at the end of the season, WASH, and return them to the V.P. of your Division or executive at large responsible for equipment.
  • If you are lucky enough to win the Championship, it is the responsibility of the team Rep to make sure all his players get their Championship jackets.
  • The $50.00 check for being Team rep. will be issued after sweaters are washed and returned.

*By signing this form, I agree to follow all above duties and SCOHA league rules and policies.

Name: ________________________________________________________________

Division:    Junior-___________ Intermediate-__________- Masters______________

Team: ______________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ________________________________________________________

Email address: _________________________________________________________


SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________


Last Updated Thursday, December 15 2022 @ 12:51 PM EST  1,150 Hits