This Week in SCOHA Tournament News

The Old Fool Edition

Credit where credit is due, folks.

Terry Gudgeon, despite feeling like he got ran over by the Lakeshore West GoTrain, managed to keep the tournament running very smoothly. We always appreciate your hard work and dedication to this league, especially this weekend!

To everyone who helped out, the teams that came in from the USA, Dofasco and other teams that played, timekeepers, and the bar staff at the Lookout Lounge (cook nailed the buffalo chicken sandwich!), SCOHA thanks you!

Was great seeing so many SCOHA past heroes come out to say hi, we all missed you! Great friends together and new friends met.

Tournament Winners:

Division A: Rhinestone Cowboy

Division B: Old Muggers

Division C: Bruins

Division D: KTSDI Ohio

Division E: Grimsby Legends

Have a great summer everyone,

Registration is now open for winter!

Chris Marttila

SCOHA Blogologist

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