November 28, 2022

Guidelines for Use of Replacement Players

      In the interest of Safety and Fun, we will use Replacement Players if a team knows 24 hours in advance that they cannot field a team of at least 10 skaters. It is not fun to come to the rink with an extremely short bench and try to compete with an opponent with a full team.

     The Policy is as follows:

  1. An Executive member (The VP of the division) will oversee and assign all replacement skaters.

         2. Teams will only be given replacement skaters if they can only field less than 10 players. With replacement skater bringing the team roster to 10 skaters.

              (Replacement skaters are only allowed if your team is missing a minimum of 4 skaters.)       

               ( exception to this rule is when new skaters are being evaluated) 

3. Replacement skaters can be from the waiting list or from the existing members that wish to    sign up as replacement skater and possibly play an extra game. Replacement skaters going from the Master to Intermediate Division will be ranked 1.0 lower as a replacement. Skaters going from the Intermediate to the Master Division will be ranked 1.0 higher than their Intermediate Ranking. Replacement skaters coming from the Waiting List who are not registered SCOHA players will be required to pay a onetime $25 fee to cover insurance costs for the current season.

4. Team Reps are required to call the executive in charge and request replacement skaters while providing the missing skaters Names and Rankings, for Fridays game call or email by 3pm Thursday, for Sunday's game call or email by 3pm Saturday. After this time there is no guarantee that there is enough time to find you replacement players. (time line does not apply for Goalies)

5. Team reps are required to obtain jerseys for replacement skaters.

         6. Team Reps can request a defenseman or forward and the Executive in charge will do his best to accommodate this request.

         7. Teams are not required to use replacement skaters unless the number of players is below forfeit limit. (teams must have 6 skaters and a goalie or game is forfeit, score will be recorded as a 2 - 0 loss for the forfeited team)  

       8. Once a replacement skater is called the players that have been named as missing players cannot play in the game should circumstances change unless communicated to the replacement skater 24 hours in advance through the VP of the division.  (We do not want replacement skaters sent home)

       9. No replacement skaters are allowed during play-offs.   

         A. If you are missing 4 skaters and two of the skaters are rated your top 3 players , you are eligible to receive the highest ranked skater available

         B. If you are missing 4 skaters and one of the skaters are rated your top 3 skaters , assigned a skater of the second highest ranking or lower from the call up list.

         C. If you are missing 4 skaters and they, are your 4th to 14th (not including the goalie)   you will be assigned a skater ranked 4th-14th from the other teams or call up list.

         D. If you are missing 5 skaters and two of the skaters are rated your top 3 skaters , you are eligible to receive the highest ranked skater available  and a skater ranked 4th-10th from the other teams or call up list.

         E. If you are missing 5 skaters and one of the players are rated your top 3 skater , you are eligible to receive a skater of the second highest ranking  and a skater ranked 4th-14th from the other teams or call  up list.

         F. If you are missing 5 skaters and all of your top 3 skaters are playing , you are eligible to receive two skaters ranked 4th-14th from the other teams or call up list.

         G. If you are missing 6 or more skaters, it is at the V.P. discretion to fill your team's roster.

         NO skaters can be asked to play at the rink before your game, exception is goalie if your goalie is a no show.

        If a team use an ineligible skater, the game will be forfeited (score to be recorded as 2 – 0 loss) and the team rep.  will be assessed a 1 game suspension. If the offending team loses the score stands, the team rep. Is suspended for 1 game.

Last Updated Tuesday, December 06 2022 @ 09:00 AM EST  22,284 Hits