All Posts By Joe LoCicero

Showing 1 - 20 of 29 Results (0.4245 )
  • 1. 2009 Annual General Meeting
    The 2009 Annual General Meeting will be on May 28th - 8:30pm @ Mohawk Communtiy Room.
  • 2. Championship Night on April 3rd
    SCOHA Championship Games are on Friday, April 3rd for both divsions As the season winds down and both divisions are extremely tight this year it is realistic that every team has a chance to win their division championship. The play off schedule will be posted shortly and it is important ...
  • 3. Old Fools Tournament 2009
    The registration form is now available on our web site for the 2009 Old Fools tournament on April 17-19. It is a lot of fun with entertainment at the Look Out lounge after the games. Register today!
  • 4. Lookout Lounge food deal
    Hey Joe, Thanks for setting up the meeting last night. If was good to get everyone on the same page. Here is the deal that we agreed to go with. When a SCOHA teams comes up, they need to show their server the little pink card. This card will now ...
  • 5. 2007-2008 season registration
    The 2007-2008 season is fast approaching and registrations are coming in fast. Please make sure that you get your registration in quickly so that you can be a part of the upcoming season. Enjoy the summer and see you on the ice soon. SCOHA Executive
  • 6. Team Captains Meeting
    On January 16th @ 8:30pm-The Lookout Lounge the executive will be having a meeting with the team captains from both divisions. It is important that all team captains or a designate attend. We will be discussing the following items: The First annual SCOHA golf tournament. The 2007 play-off format. The ...
  • 7. Dan Austin steps down as V.P.-Junior Division
    Dan Austin has resigned from his position as V.P.-Junior Division effective immediately. Dan will remain as the team captain for the Junior Flyers. He has agreed to assist the executive with any information that he has to assist us in a smooth transition. The executive will be realigned to adjust ...
  • 8. 2006/2007 SCOHA Division Mandate & Draft
    RE: 2006/2007 SCOHA Division Mandate & Player Draft The season is fast approaching and your executive has made a decision on the division breakdown based on the membership’s registrations as we promised. The membership has spoken and we will continue with two divisions, Junior & Intermediate, for the 2006/2007 ...
  • 9. Ice Breaker Weekend
    The Season begins on September 8th with the "Ice Breaker " weekend. The season begins on September 8th and each team will play 3 games between September 8th & 9th. Now is the perfect time to begin your training camp to get ready for a fun season ahead. See you ...
  • 10. AGM 2006
    AGM 2006 The Annual General Meeting will be on May 26, 2006 at the Look Out lounge meeting @ 7:00pm. Come on out and be a part of your association's decision making process. See you there, Joe LoCicero President
  • 11. Summer ice
    Guys, I know we are deep into our play-offs but an interesting idea has been brought to my attention. Would any of our membership be interested in playing pick up hockey in July & August on Sunday night @ 9:00pm? The cost would be $90.00 for the nine weeks and ...
  • 12. Banquet Tickets
    The Annual Banquet is set for May 6th and tickets are on sale for only $30.00 per person. Contact a member of the executive or call (905) 662-6011 to purchase tickets. It is a dinner & dance with prizes and a great way to finish a great year. See you ...
  • 13. 2005/2006 PLAY OFF FORMAT & DATES
    2005/2006 Play off format Round 1 Junior March 3rd 1 Thrashers vs. 12 Rangers 8:30PM 2 Red Wings vs.11 Sharks 8:45PM 3 Blues vs. 10 Senators 9:30 PM 4 Leafs vs. 9 Bruins 9:45PM 5 Stars vs. 8 Flyers 10:30PM 6 Canucks vs. 7 Flames 10:45PM ...
  • 14. tournament sweaters
    Attention: April Fools Tournament teams C.c.: SCOHA Executive RE: tournament sweaters Mr. Uniform, the official supplier to SCOHA, has offered a special purchase price of $23.95.00 per sweater including sewn on numbers for teams wishing to purchase sweaters to use in the tournament. If you are interested, please contact Joe ...
  • 15. April FoolsTournament Teams Wanted
    The Stoney Creek Old-timers Hockey Association is once again holding our 14th annual spring “Old Fools” hockey tournament on April 21st – 23rd at the Mohawk Four Ice center in Hamilton Ontario. It should be our biggest and most exciting tournament that we have ever held. We would like to ...
  • 16. Positive SCOHA changes
    Referee and on ice issues agreed to at the Captain’s meeting 11.17. Your Executive is happy to report that after two excellent meetings, one involving our 24 team captains and one with the management of the Mohawk Four Ice Center, we are pleased to announce some exciting changes that came ...
  • 17. SCOHA Constitution
    SCOHA CONSTITUTION The membership of SCOHA are entitled to have a copy of our constitution. If a member in good standing wishes a copy, he may obtain one by contacting Joe LoCicero, SCOHA President.
  • 18. Attention SCOHA Membership: RE: Proper behavior to officials
    It has come to my attention that last night a player in our association displayed inappropriate behavior to a minor official after a game was curfewed due to time. The player was yelling profanities at the minor official (Time keeper) and this will not be tolerated. An appropriate punishment will ...
  • 19. Message From the Prez
    Dear SCOHA membership, Another exciting year is about to begin and your executive would like to inform you on the events that have taken place over the off season. They were as follows: We have a 10 year agreement for our association at the Mohawk Quad pad with the ...
  • 20. "B" Division-Great Regular Season!
    Congratulations to all teams in the "B" division on a great and very close regular season. In fact only 11 points separate 1st to 8th. As well congratulations to the Islanders for winning their final regular season game. They could be the dark horse in the play-offs now that all ...
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