This Week in SCOHA - May 15th, 2023
The Cleaning Out Of The Lockers Delayed Edition
Well it was quite the delayed locker room cleanout day along with the dreaded last day with the annoying media for the Master’s Stars. Rumours of trades and firings filled the air as the press conference began. GM Chris Baratto was first on the mic and he accepted all responsibility for the 3-2 loss to the Flames in the final. “When all is said and done, it’s on me. I will take a few days with my family to decide if I come back to represent the Stars. I won’t manage another team, if it’s not the Stars, I will take a bit of time off.”
Peter Fantauzzo wants a new contract done sooner than later. Management wants this sorted out before the draft so Baratto knows how much money to spend.
Local newspapers began deep-frying Baratto for changing lines halfway through the playoffs, something that threw everyone off, including the players and fans.
Plenty of players are rumoured to be traded in the off-season as they look to revamp their team. Unfortunately there are a core 4 who are using up a lot of the money. Goaltender Scott Johnson will be looking at north of 5 million next season or he will seek out more money elsewhere. Same is true for Rob DiGiovanni who is looking for a 3 or 4 year contract extension or he will fly the coop as well.
Munish Baranowski will be training with ex-Leaf Gary Roberts all summer. Roberts runs a hockey training camp that gets players to the top of their game in one summer.
Absent from the final media scrum were Ed Venema, Frank Bortolin and Paul Shorer, who didn’t waste any time. They are on a nice vacation in Burmuda avoiding the reporters.
When the lights finally went out and the lockers were cleaned out, the season officially came to an abrupt end for the Stars. Scouting for the upcoming draft has already begun as Andrew Clayton and Dean McLaren grabbed a flight to Austria to scope out some future Masters 54 year olds.
Enjoy the summer, fellas.
Chris Marttila
SCOHA Blogologist

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