SCOHA Membership Covid-19 Update
Tentative Start
SCOHA membership-
Remember everyone is responsible for preventing the spread of COVID-19.
The Executive is working hard to ensure everyone's safety before returning to the ice.
The executive is proposing that the AGM be canceled (can't have a large meeting for foreseeable future) The existing Executive would stay in place for the upcoming season. Meaning executive terms would be increased for one year. (for 2020/2021 season only)
SCOHA has a tentative start date of Friday, Nov. 13th /Sunday, Nov. 15th
We will run an 18-week schedule. Everything is subject to change because of COVID-19.
We are waiting to see what happens when the schools reopen.
Rules that the Quad has in place and our new times-
Please understand that this list is tentative and subject to change as we continue to work with Hamilton Public Health.
COVID-19 controls and rules.
- Spectators will not be allowed for adult programming
- Dressing rooms may not be available
- At this time players must enter the rink dressed from the waist down (less skates) and put the balance of their equipment on in chairs within each
rink that are set 6 feet apart and provided by the facility. This may be in effect at the start of our season or until such time as the City allows the use of dressing rooms.
- Showers will not be available
- temperature checks are required before entering the Quad Pad.
- participant's will only be allowed access to the building 15 minutes before their ice time (must be screened/contact traced by association)
- participants will have to leave the building 15 minutes after their ice time ends
- all-time slots will be 1 hour in duration
- no spitting or spitting water
- everyone is required to wear a mask when entering and exiting the rink
- 30-minute buffer time will be scheduled between rentals
- limited team rosters (9-11 participants per team)
- no gathering in the parking lot
- user groups will need to modify their rules to ensure distancing
- user groups will be responsible for gathering and maintaining contract tracing information for Hamilton Public Health
It is still undecided if the Restaurant and Pro Shop will be able to open
Below is your weekly ice allocation from the Mohawk 4 Ice Centre.
8:00PM, 9:30PM, 11:00PM
Rink 1 - 5:30PM, 7:00PM, 8:30PM, 10:00PM
Rink 2 - 6:15PM, 7:45PM, 9:15PM
SCOHA additional rules-
- players cannot attend any games if they or anyone in their household are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. All players are screened at the front door.
- every player is to bring their own water bottle with their name on it.
- all players must take their personal belonging to the bench.
- There will be no sharing of equipment.
- each team will have a roster of 10 skaters and a goalie.
- a 3-second rule for players in the crease will result in a whistle and face-off outside the blue line.
- the player must refrain from post-game handshakes. Stick salutes to the opponent will replace the traditional handshake.
-players must practice physical distancing on the bench. It is understood this will not always apply as there will be some brief exchanges while players enter
and leave the bench
- it will be at the referee's discretion to blow the play down along the boards if they feel there is a prolonged engagement that may bring additional players
into the scrum. The same action will be taken in front of the net when a large gathering happens in loose puck situations. Quick whistles will be encouraged.
- players are to respect physical distancing between them and the referee, especially after a whistle. Any player that intentionally does not follow this guideline
will be penalized.
Our situation is changing weekly, we will have to adapt to our new environment.
We will keep everyone updated on any new information we receive.
The 3rd week of September all players that have signed up will receive a phone call, to see if they still interested in playing!
You will be informed of-
1- tentative start date of Friday, Nov. 13 / Sunday, Nov. 15th
2- no dressing rooms or shower are in use.
3- Come to the rink dressed in hockey gear/15 minutes before the game and exit building 15 after the game finished.
4- no beer in the parking lot (Quad has informed me they will call the police, no warnings)
5- 10 skaters and a goalie per team.
6- If numbers do not increase Junior and Intermediate division may have to be merged. (will know more by the middle of September)
7- 18-week schedule/cost $375.00
8- have to sign a COVID-19 waver form.
Will need a yes or No if you intend to play this upcoming season!
Any question contact- Terry Gudgeon President at 289-440-0414 or
Steve Ditta V P Junior Division at 905-929-1822 or
Dave Wichman V P Intermediate Division 905-548-9906 or
Joe LoCicero V P Masters Division 905-975-4702 or
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