Mid Summer SCOHA Covid-19 Update
Stay safe!

We hope everyone is safe.
After many hours of discussion with SCOHA members, the Executive, and the Quad, the decision has been made to cancel the remainder of the 2019/2020 playoffs.
This upcoming season will be very hard to layout and plan for with the COVID-19. All the executive effort has to be concentrated on achieving this goal.
All players will have to sign a COVID-19 waiver form before they can play this upcoming season.
We did not make this decision lightly, there is no sign of us starting in the 2020/2021 season anytime soon. We have plans in place for October or November or December start of play.
Some members have informed me that this is overly optimistic.
We will be putting additional rules in place for everyone’s safety. Will advise of new rules when finalized.
Have had one member tell us that he will not return to play till there is a vaccine.
When we have a start date, we will be contacting everyone that has pre-signed up to see if they still intend to play this upcoming season?
As of now, the Quad is only letting figure skaters and hockey skill development on the ice. 8 skaters and 2 coaches, absolutely no games, come to rink dressed in gear, 15 minutes before ice time and 15 to leave, temperature taken at door, every player has to supply their own water bottle, no dressing rooms are in use, everyone has to wear a mask to enter and leave, no parent or
spectators are allowed.
We would ask if all team reps can help in getting the jerseys back, by either having players drop off at your house or if convenient picking them up. Please inform Chris Baratto of your progress.
Stay safe and healthy
SCOHA Executive
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