John's Journey to Recovery Update

Hello All
To update everyone, John continues to rehab twice daily and is getting better every single day. He is improving better then expected to regain the use of his body due to the diving accident this summer.
As mentioned in Marc's posting earlier today, there will be a Fundraiser get together to raise money for the Grumbach Family and two other families of Stoney Creek. It is being hosted by the Stoney Creek Optimist Little League. at Stogey’s 443 Hwy 20 at Tapleytown Road (The Old Redwood Inn) on Friday August 11, 2006. Starts @ 7:00pm and Tickets are $10 per person. There will be a cold buffet, games, raffles, door prizes, a DJ and of course cold beverages.
Anyone interested in purchasing tickets can contact;
Rebecca Chrysler 905-662-8496
or Sue Kinnear 905-662-5111 or
Donations for door prizes or the raffle table would also be appreciated as well.
Hope to see you there!!
Dan Austin
VP Junior Division

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