John’s Journey to Recovery

On June 4th, 2006, John Grumbach, a member of the Junior Division Bruins, was seriously injured in a swimming accident fracturing his neck in 2 places and dislodging 3 herniated disks. He was rushed to Hamilton General Hospital with no movement from his neck down. A few days later, after several tests, John underwent neck surgery to repair these fractures, remove the disks and to relieve the pressure being applied to his spinal cord. After 6 hours of successful surgery John was placed into I.C.U. for approximately a week and then transferred to the Spinal Trauma Unit.
John is now on his way to recovery. Everyday he undergoes intense physical therapy to help him regain, feeling, strength and movement that he had lost due to the accident. This can take anywhere from 4 to 16 months.
This is going to be a long process for John and his family but they are not alone. Their family and friends have provided continuous support either by visiting John in the hospital or by sending cards and get well wishes.
A Trust Fund has also been set up in John’s name at the Scotiabank on Upper Wentworth. For those of you that would like to help out John and his family during this time, donations can be made to Account No. 55236-05250-81
John is now located at Chedoke Hospital on the Hamilton Mountain, Room 384 of the Holbrook Building. Visiting hours are from 11:00am to 8:00pm. Visitors are important to John as it contributes to a positive patient experience and positive health outcomes.
Dan Austin
VP Junior Division
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