2024/2025 Online Registrations. Use Ctrl-f to search the page

Name Email Address Preferred Position Preferred Division
Bill Curran bill@curran.ca Center Masters(50+) Sundays
Terence Gudgeon terry_gudgeon@hotmail.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays
Alfonso Tinebra alfonso@tinebra.ca Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Brad Ballman fiveholebrad@gmail.com Goalie Adult 30+ Fridays 8-9pm and Sundays 6:45pm
Joe LoCicero jllocicero29@gmail.com Goalie Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Richard Forster rwforster@rogers.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Steve Watt swatt93@icloud.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Michael Vanderzee miketvdz@hotmail.com L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Ken Zrobok kennytlaloc@gmail.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
John Carvalho Carvalhojohn21@gmail.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Steve Saulnier stevesaulnier514@gmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
chris marttila crayon2001@hotmail.com L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Dave Smith smittys5@cogeco.ca Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Bruno Santonato bsantonato@yahoo.com Goalie Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Ted Marszalek tjmarsz@rogers.com Goalie Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Darren Jolliffe Jolliffed@yahoo.ca R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Ken Wiersma kenwiersma@yahoo.ca L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Brad Ballman fiveholebrad@gmail.com Goalie Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Paul George Drax1967@gmail.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Mike Christensen mchristensen21@hotmail.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Dave Graham leafcrib5@gmail.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Scott Maki scott.maki@sympatico.ca L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
John Elter Johnelter777@mail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Robert Harrison rh@sps.ca R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Ghislain Piche donnapiche5@gmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Brian Deanes brian.deanes@milton.ca Goalie Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Kevin G Scime kevinscime@yahoo.ca Center Adult 30+ Fridays 8-9pm and Sundays 6:45pm
Warren DeForest wdeforest@foodsupplies.ca R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
TIM Manning t_j_manning@hotmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Sam Carubba Scarubba_10@hotmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Sandro Morrone sandromorrone@gmail.com R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Timothy Visser tim.visser@live.ca Goalie Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Steven MacDonakld steve.macdonald1959@gmail.com R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Steven MacDonakld steve.macdonald1959@gmail.com R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Bob Ballantyne rrball@rogers.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Jeff Davis jeffreypauldavis1967@gmail.com R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Paul Shorer paulshorer@hotmail.com R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Dave Langille daaal1219@gmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Chris Baratto italian_red_stallion@live.ca Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Richard Jolliffe rjjolliffe@hotmail.com L Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Henry Marfisi Hdmarfisi@cogeco.ca Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
J.J. MacNeil jayjaymacneil@hotmail.com Goalie Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
GUY SHAVER cheapguy9@gmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Massimo Pizzingrilli max@mltest.com L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
John Carvalho Jr jwestcarvalho@gmail.com Center Adult 30+ Fridays 8-9pm and Sundays 6:45pm
Mike Guitard mguitard@hedsb.on.ca L Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Bob wallace bobwall58@gmail.com L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
ENZO GIAMMICHELE enzogiammichele@gmail.com L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Peter Subar psubar1976@gmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Alan Herron Aherron1@gmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Pasquale Sergi pat.orrfan.4@gmail.com R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Mike Lubrick mclubrick@gmail.com R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Vince Mercuri vlmercuri18@gmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Frank Sergi franksergi1@gmail.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Pat Sergi Patsergi@hotmail.com L Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Ed Walton edwalton23@msn.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Nick Polimeni npolime@gmail.com L Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Rob Harrison rh&sps.ca R Wing Adult 30+ Fridays 8-9pm and Sundays 6:45pm
Yves Bisson yves.r.bisson@gmail.com R Wing Adult 30+ Fridays 8-9pm and Sundays 6:45pm
Yves Bisson yves.r.bisson@gmail.com R Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Len Brown len.brown@basf.com L Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Charlie Polizzi charliepolizzi7@gmail.com Center Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Paul Buzzelli iosonosfasato@gmail.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Jason Aguanno jasonaguanno@me.com L Wing Adult 30+ Fridays 8-9pm and Sundays 6:45pm
Alfredo Granata alfredo.granata@ca.crh.com L Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Tony Gzik Tonygzik@hotmail.com L Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Bruno DiGiovanni bruha10@hotmail.com L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
D Brons dbrons18@gmail.com R Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Darren Corneau darrenc@bellnet.ca L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Rick Estok restoks@sympatico.ca L Wing Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Al Angelone harleyman7591@gmail.com L Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm
Al Angelone harleyman7591@gmail.com L Defence Masters(50+) Sundays 5 - 8pm

Stoney Creek Oldtimers Hockey Association